Access Control Security System


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Access Control Systems

At their most basic function, access control systems provide or deny the ability to enter a building, facility, or gated area. A number of components can be utilized in these control systems. The typical system allows or denies a person's physical entrance. Their ability to enter an area may be dependent on payment or authorization. Basic controls that we encounter on a daily basis include turnstiles, such as what you would see with an underground subway system, or a card swipe lock, which requires a programmed card to bypass. Other components include parking gates, doors, elevators, and other physical barriers. These types of access control are common sights.

Many businesses and industries are increasing their use of access control systems, particularly those that utilize badges and card swipe locks. These provide greater access control to areas that may contain personal information, like patient records at a doctor's office or a student's dorm. These systems are essential in ensuring the protection of both people and sensitive information.

Historically, the first access control systems were basic locks and keys. However, locks can be picked and keys can be replicated. Digital types, in association with close circuit television systems and DVR/NVR recording, allow you to not only allow entrance to certain individuals, but to also monitor that those are the people entering.

More technically advanced access control systems utilize digital computer technology that resolves the limitations of a simple lock and key. Entrance can be limited to only those who have the card with the appropriate entry credentials.

Continental Access provides you security systems that are useful for any industry or need.

Continental Access is a company that sells security systems. They specialize in high-tech access control systems that keep unwanted visitors away from sensitive areas. Those who wish see the systems available for purchase should visit

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Access Control Keeps Out The Bad

When it comes to safeguarding your business and the people who work there, access control is vital. Access control systems only allow entry to those who are supposed to be in the area. Different industries use varying levels of this in their businesses. The healthcare and educational industries are two notable groups that frequently use this control.

In light of the many attacks that have been seen throughout the country over the past years, from shootings in schools to terrorist attacks, businesses and corporations are searching for ways to add this important form of protection to their buildings and facilities.

Schools are able to utilize access control systems to prevent harm from coming to the many students that attend. This provides students, teachers, and parents with a sense of security. Many schools utilize these systems to only allow students and staff access to buildings and offices. ID cards and swipe cards allow students the ability to enter offices, dorms, and other buildings not open to the general public. Schools can also better manage their visitors with these systems. Elevators and gates can have programmable locks placed on them that only open with specific codes, or via card swipe. These systems are also scalable to suit the requirements of the school.

The healthcare industry has been able to utilize similar systems. In an effort to protect patients, as well as staff, more and more hospitals are using these systems to regulate where visitors may enter. Such systems only allow qualified individuals to enter pharmacies, records storage, labs, and offices. Badges and swipe cards at the basics of these systems, but they also include closed circuit television as well as DVR/NVR recording systems.

Continental Access offers a variety of access control systems well-suited to these, and other industries.

Continental Access specializes in access control systems. Those that need security can purchase the finest in access control software and hardware from Continental Access. Interested parties can see what's available by visiting

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Friday, June 6, 2008

Access Control Installation Sydney

Access control is the new generation security system that allows the person who runs an establishment to know as to who goes where and when. It makes it possible with the issuance of unique credentials to every one who works in an establishment. The software used in the access control mechanism will define the entrances, time and the conditions or rules based on which the person or the group holding the credential can enter into a building. This information will soon be distributed by the access control system automatically to the other doors, elevator and control panels.

The major benefit of access control installation in an establishment would probably include effective restriction of access to individuals to places or areas storing valuable or sensitive information of a company. It also consists of keeping records of traffic that can be used while investigating an unexpected or undesired entry of persons into the restricted areas of an establishment. It can also be used as an effective measure to reduce the loss that come out of the inventory shrinkage, entry of thieves and unprotected assets storage.

Installation of access control security systems has proved to be very effective to restrict the entry of persons to the places where hazardous substances and materials are stored. By doing so one can manage occupational diseases and safety risks associated with such materials.

Access control security installation systems are now in use in all major establishments that require control of traffic in Sydney. The major establishments that are effectively using access control security systems include hospitals, banks, malls, offices and schools. Almost all the major companies that undertake the responsibility of CCTV security surveillance cameras in establishments and business places are undertaking the installations of access control devices in Sydney.

The major companies that are specialised with the installation of access control security devices in Sydney include INSETEC Pvt Ltd, SHOLL and SSE Installations.

All these companies that undertake the installation works of access control devices in Sydney provide services to commercial, industrial, marine and residential properties. These companies also provide detailed assessments of their clients' premises to avoid the risks such as vandalism, theft, assault and robbery that may occur in a business place.

The access control detection systems that are now available in Sydney include tecom challenger, inner range concept 4000, paradox, net work, centrol, hid and rockonet.

A person who is interested in the access control security systems can find out the best suitable system for his establishment by visiting the websites of the companies providing access control systems.

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